Monday, September 22, 2008

Pre-AP Chemistry

You have project information due either Thursday (Sept 25) or Friday (Sept 26)

Details are below...

First Spiral Evaluation
1. You will record all information in ink in a wide rule spiral notebook on the fronts of pages.

2. Page numbers need to be written, in ink, in the upper right hand corner of all spiral pages prior to beginning the project.

3. You will need a question and a hypothesis. Write these on the second page.

4. The spiral must contain:
a) a title page including: name, class-period, title of project, teacher name
b) written information from at least two different sources with a total of 2 pages in length of information.
i. No more than 1 source may come from a general encyclopedia. (Britannia, Encarta, etc.)
ii. You may use 1 specific encyclopedia as a source (examples: medical encyclopedia, plant encyclopedia, chemistry encyclopedia)
iii.Your textbook may NOT count as a source; you may use 1 other textbook as a source though.

c) a bibliography for each source must be stated in the top margin of the page, with all information taken from that source written following the bibliography.

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