Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pre-AP Chemistry Materials List

You need to have all of the following items.

  1. 3‑Ringed Notebook Binder (Must be at least 1 ½ inches thick)
  2. Set of 5 dividers
  3. a Blue or Black Pen
  4. a Red Pen
  5. a Pencil
  6. Loose leaf Notebook Paper
  7. One roll of Paper Towels
  8. Two 70 sheet spiral‑type notebooks (I suggest wide-rule and two different colors)
  9. One Paper Folder With Brads for your science fair project (I would match color to one of your spirals)
  10. YOUR OWN Calculator ‑ with exponential capabilities.
    Any of the TI calculators TI-25 and above should work except for calculators marked “business”. Even though your math class may check you out a calculator, you should purchase a personal scientific calculator.
  11. One Plastic Sheet Protector

    Optional Items
  12. Rubber or Latex Gloves for lab
  13. Index Cards to make flash cards

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